All of our classes were cancelled but we were woken up at 7am. Our Dean of Students gave us a wake up call on the loudspeaker while the faulty and staff, who were dressed up, were banging on drums and cymbals in our hallways.
The 7th deck was where the ceremony was go. It was total chaos. People cheering, screaming, getting slimed, kissing fish, and getting their head shaved. The initiation process started with getting green slime poured on you, jumping in the pool, kissing two fish, shaking King Neptune and Highness Amphitrite's hands, kissing King Neptune's ring, and getting salt thrown on you. King Neptune and Highness Amphitrite were two of our deans. It was hilarious seeing our Dean of Students covered in green dye with a crown on his head.
There were 5 girls who shaved there head and probably over 50 guys. A lot of the girls on the ship shaved just a part of their head. Sorry for the disappointment but I didn't shave my head!
We officially crossed the equator at 2:20pm. Not only am I a Shellback now, but I am a Emerald Shellback. This is a rare type of Shellback because it is only received after crossing the Equator at the Prime Meridian (0 degrees off the coast of West Africa) The ship went out of the way to cross it at the Prime Meridian. Most of the student body was out on the 6th and 7th deck hanging out and playing music until we crossed.
More pictures from Neptune Day to come soon!
Only 2 more days until South Africa!!
Nice work, JulieJule - only 67 years after Pop did it...