Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Man overboard

We were only on the ship for one day before we got to England. I haven't had a good night sleep in over a week. When we are off the ship it is very fast pace. The is SO much to do in such a small period of time. You can't waste time by sleeping in or taking naps so basically my body hates me right now....and I lost my voice...
London was beautiful and had so much history. Thankfully it didn't rain once so we were able to do everything we wanted. Not only that but it is so easy to travel around. We took the 'tube' a few times but mostly tried to walk everywhere we could....i think in one day we almost walked 7 miles. My legs are sooo sore. I never knew how HUGE london is! 
Being in London made me think a lot about my Uncle Bob...especially when I got to see one of his old friends, Malcolm. Thank you for inspiring me! Not a day goes by where I don't think of you.
When we first got to London we went straight to the hotel we booked while on the ship. We booked a room at the Comfort Inn and it was awful. If you ever go to London DON'T stay at the Comfort Inn!! We were supposed to stay there for all 3 nights but ended up booking a hostel that was in a better location, cheaper, and a nicer environment. 
The first day we were in London we tried to do as much as we could. We did most of the main touristy things like London Eye, Big Ben, and Westminister. At night we went to a nice dinner and went to a few different bars. 
The next day we switched to the hostel which was more centrally located. We went shopping on Oxford street, tea time at Harrods, had dinner in South Kensington and then went to this bar called TigerTiger....which was interesting to say the least. Tea time at Harrods was so cool!! I wanted to buy a tea set but that would have been so annoying to pack and probably would have broken.
The third day we went to Piccadilly walked around there, went to Abbey road, saw the Olympic stadium, and Buckingham palace! At night we went to a show called The Doctors Dilemma. My family friend, Malcolm Sinclair, was one of the main characters. I didn't know anything about it before we saw it...I kind of expected it to be a musical but it was a full on play. It was so good and Malcolm was definitely one of the best actors. The show closes in a week so we were one of the last shows to see it! 
After the show we went to a bar that was on the second floor of the theater and met Malcolm for a drink. We saw the actor who plays Seamus in Harry Potter!! Going to the show and then the theater bar was probably the highlight of my trip. I absolutely LOVED the show and catching up with Malcolm.
After meeting with Malcolm we went to the 4th best nightclub in the world called Fabric. In my opinion it wasn't that great...way too intense of house music. But the venue was definitely cool! 
The next day we took a train back to Southampton, where the boat was docked, and went to a restaurant with wifi and sat there until we had to go back on the ship. I slept for a total of 16 hours when I got back on the ship so I'm finally feeling better!
I'm excited for my next adventure in Belgium! I booked a trip with SAS to Amsterdam/Holland so I'm happy/relieved that I have everything planned out for me!
Alsoooooo shout out to my lovely Theta sisters! I hope you guys got an awesome pledge class and I can't wait to meet all of them!!
I'll try to update this as frequently as I can but everything is happening so quickly! 
Email me if you want more updates!!

Pictures to come later!!

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