Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Sorry about the extreme wait for a new blog post but living on a ship is CRAZY.

I can’t believe how UNREAL Ireland was.  After the ship dropped us off in Galway, we went on a 4 hour-long tour of the Cliffs of Moher. It was cloudly out but didn't rain. The cliffs were BEAUTIFUL I couldn’t believe how amazing they were. We also saw many different castles and ruins, it was unbelievable. After the Cliffs of Moher, we went to our hostel, got dinner and then went out.

The next day, we took an early bus to Dublin. Getting a hostel/hotel in Dublin was so annoying because of the Notre Dame vs Navy game that was taking place the same day as we got there. We finally found a hotel which was kind of far away from the center of Dublin.  We didn’t want to take too many taxis to the center from our hotel so we got ready to go out and then explored all around Dublin.

We had dinner and then went out to the Temple Bar…and a few other places too. It was unbelievable how many Americans were in Dublin. I probably talked to more Americans than Irish people that night…

Next morning we checked out of our hotel and checked into a hostel that wasn’t too far away from the center, it was actually right next to Trinity College. We went on the Guiness tour and shopped around a little bit. My legs are so sore from walking around…my feet are swollen! At night I met up with my roommate from last year and my friend who moved to Ireland 6 years ago. It was really great to see them both again and also so weird that we were hanging out in Ireland together.  We later went to Temple Bar…I definitely stayed out later then I intended to do.

I had a field lab the next day so I had to wake up early and go to the ship to meet up with my class. We went to the Irish Times and to a TV network called RTE.  We saw the local news being filmed at RTE! It was so cool. Our tour guide said that our group was the first tour they have ever done!

Tomorrow I will be in London! So crazy! I don’t really have that many plans yet but I am going to go see my family friend perform in a show called The Doctors’ Dilemma! I’m so excited!

If you want more details about my stay in Ireland then EMAIL ME!

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