Friday, November 23, 2012

Shipboard Life

Thankfully the weather has been so beautiful recently. I've just been hanging out on Deck 7 either doing homework or reading a book. I haven't felt stressed since I've been on the boat. I think that the worst news I've gotten is that my iPhoto book can't be over 100 pages.

We are currently in the Amazon making our way up to Manaus. The Captain came into my Leadership Development class the other day and told us that going through the Amazon is one of the hardest and stressful things. There are no updated maps of the Amazon so we picked up a pilot who knows the way through it. All the currents create islands in the water and because of this the ship had to slow its speed down. The water is also brown...its disgusting! All laundry services have been suspended until we get out of the Amazon and they aren't treating any more water. We have to be very careful and cautious about how much water we are using. The drinking water already tastes like chlorine so I think I'm going to have to start either using my Brita water bottle or buying huge bottles from the campus store.

Although I've had a lot of papers and work due in my classes during this crossing, there have been a lot of fun and interesting events happening on the ship recently. Today during Global Studies we had the U.S. Ambassador of Brazil present! He is also coming into my Leadership class tomorrow to talk to us about his various Leadership roles throughout the years. He is hoping to become the Ambassador of either Iraq or Afghanistan after his term in Brazil. Last night the comedy class performed in the Union. It was hilarious! They did skits about life on the ship and poked fun at our deans. The night before that the crew put on a talent show. There was a HUGE line to get into the Union...even 45 minutes before the show started! It was really funny to see the crew perform. Most of them danced but there was a band and someone did stand up. The show was to raise money for the crew. Last year they used the money they raised to go on a group tour in Argentina. 

Tonight we have the talent show! The line to get into the show is going to be ridiculous. At the auction the other night, some people bought VIP seats for over $200! Hopefully I will get a good seat!

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